Friday, January 2, 2009

First Days


Well, the first few days here have been tough. Not only am I busy with paperwork, bank accounts, Finnish ID numbers, and student issues, but the jet lag has been extreme. And with the sun shining only from about 10:00 to 4:00, it's been tough getting adjusted. On the upside, this place is beautiful. There are about 85,000 people in Jyvaskyla proper and we are now in an apartment that is about a 10 or 15 minute walk from both my host University ( and the city center. Between us and the city center, there is a large lake that is now frozen, so we simply walk across the ice. Yesterday, a thin layer of snow covered the ice and it feels like walking on clouds. To be on such a huge frozen body of water really is surreal. The girls are adjusting slowly, but all in all, our days have been quite satisfying and exciting. There is no written English in stores, etc. but generally, one can find an English-speaker for help in most situations. People are very reserved, but friendly when they become engaged in conversation.

Lillian and I walked down to the lake before the snow came and slid around on the ice for about an hour. She is having a ball in this winter wonderland. And Edith is growing by leaps and bounds. To spend so much time with her has been great for all of us; it's something that doesn't happen so much back home. We are all growing in lots of ways!

I will likely start working on my dissertation work within a month or so, but my advisor, Dr. Anneli Hoikkala, a Finn, has assured me that there is no rush at this point and the most important things to do are to jump through all the necessary, complicated hoops and to enjoy my family and this place. Tomorrow, she will pick us up around noon to take us to her home, where she and her husband will prepare us lunch.

Life is, of course, much different here than back home. We have our BBC news on TV, so we stay connected, but the excessive commercial advertising is mysteriously lacking - something I don't mind a bit. Bike and walking trails connect every part of the city. People don't lock their bikes up here either. We plan to buy bikes as soon as possible and will likely move across town soon so our rent will be lower and Lily will be closer to a good school. The ski slopes will be minutes away.

This first installment on the first blog I've ever made is introductory, but I will continue writing, even if only occasionally, exploring life here and keeping you up to speed with the lives of these Jenningses.

Tervesin (Regards),



  1. to the jennings family: dang. it all looks so beautiful and foreign and EXACTLY what one should be doing with one's life...
    well done, friends. keep us posted and keep the pictures coming. with some luck and motivation i hope to join y'all in europe...

  2. love this - more please.
    it's great seeing you guys all together - Edie has already grown! Lily looks very happy - mom and dad look tried, love you guys, grammy
