Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The First Snow Day

Today, all day long, huge beautiful flakes fell from the sky. We stayed in doors for the morning. Got a little stir crazy by afternoon so decided to take a walk. We bundled up, which of course includes a complimentary fit from Edith (she just loves her bulky winter wear). We walked to some hills near the part of town we will be moving to at the beginning of February- about 3 km away from where we are living now.

Lillian doesn't know what to do with all of this snow! She eats it, throws it, body slides on it, rolls in it, tries to catch falling flakes in her mouth. We sled down a couple of big hills. Lily, surprisingly and bravely, hops on the sled and zips her way down the first hill without hesitation. The look of her eyes as she goes down these hills is indescribable. We must capture it on film for all to see. She loves it. On our way home we got to see some antique shops that we will be touring once we get settled into our new place to find some good cozy home items. I am very excited about nesting here.

I took my first big trip to the grocery store yesterday. My was it interesting. I went in, iPod in ears, and ended up having to turn the music off to concentrate on all the labels. I thought I was a good at multitasking until this point. The cheese section alone, which is one of the first things you encounter after walking through the doors, is shocking to say the least. It took me a good few minutes to find the cheddar, which I didn't really even want but it was all I could recognize. The excursion was exhausting yet exhilarating. I branched out on a couple of items, one being the salmon we cooked tonight which was delicious. I think each time I go to the store I am going to have to purchase at least one item that I don't know about so I can get a complete Finnish experience. Otherwise I feel I would just be buying the same old stuff.

I have posted a picture of some breakfast items that we have been enjoying. Notice the Rice Krispies in the background- a little taste of home. The coffee here is quite different. It is growing on me. The fruit spread you see in the picture is absolutely delicious!

We ended the day with a yummy meal of salmon, mashed potatoes, eggs and tomatoes, mixed vegetables, and bread. Lily kept saying how this was the best meal she had ever eaten and how we should literally eat this for every dinner from now until we leave. That makes a momma feel good!

Love to you all...

1 comment:

  1. we're loving the blog....keep it up please!!! love you guys..kiss from the Paisley's
